Monday, March 29, 2010

How to keep cool in a siflingly hot classroom

Much like the rules in the movie Zombieland , you will have a good chance of surviving if you follow these guidelines:

  1. Layers (dress in layers and be ready to remove a few)
  2. Double Tap a beverage before and during class
  3. Locate A/C vent (if one exists) and sit next to it
  4. Get to class early (see previous rule)
  5. Don't shut your eyes (you may fall asleep)
  6. Make sure to wear a t-shirt if you're prone to sweating (this will save your dress shirts)
  7. Remember it will be over in a few hours....stay calm.
I used these tips while in basic training at Ft Jackson, SC and they worked great!


  1. Nice blog! I will remember that nextime we are in the lab. :)

  2. Thanks. Hopefully, it will cooler tomorrow night. See you then.
