Sunday, May 30, 2010

Social Media ROI video

Don't abandon Traditional Media

I read a great post regarding the need to continue using traditional media rather than investing all marketing efforts in Social Media on Drury University's Social Media Certificate web site.

The author, Dr Jonathan Groves, makes a great point when he suggests that Social Media should be part of a broader marketing strategy that also includes traditional media.

There's a lot to think about with Social Media campaigns (consider the graphic below). However, traditional media sources still boast the largest number of consumers and should not be neglected.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Facebook Infographic (click the graphic below to see larger image)

Facebook: What You Probably Didn't Know

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Facebook Under Fire from is actively targeting Facebook privacy policy and soliciting petition signatures in protest of recent changes.  It will be interesting to learn if one of the more established internet activist groups will be able to influence the world's largest and most popular social networking site to change course.  Stay tuned.

I don't always agree with's views, but I signed the petition anyway and forwarded it on to my contacts.  I wonder how much may benefit from taking such a hard line against Facebook?

More traffic to their site undoubtedly equates to increased donations and, here's the really interesting part.....MoveOn is using Facebook to spread their message.